API Documentation

Welcome to the ChatterCrypt API documentation. Secure your messages and files using these endpoints.

Base URL

All API requests should be sent to:


Example API Call:


Guidelines for Businesses and Individuals

ChatterCrypt supports both individual users (via GUI or API) and businesses integrating our API into their applications.

Rate Limits

Endpoint Rate Limit Applies To Description
/encrypt/<api_key> 60 requests per minute API Key or Customer ID Encrypts text messages.
/decrypt/<api_key> 60 requests per minute API Key or Customer ID Decrypts previously encrypted text messages.
/encrypt-file/<api_key> 10 requests per minute API Key or Customer ID Encrypts files.
/decrypt-file/<api_key> 10 requests per minute API Key or Customer ID Decrypts previously encrypted files.
/check_api_key_balance 1 request per 10 minutes API Key Retrieves the remaining token balance for an API key.

Examples for Each Endpoint

1. Encrypt a Chat Message

POST /encrypt/<api_key>

Without Customer ID:

  "message": "Hello, World!",
  "shared_secret": "This is a secret passphrase"

With Customer ID:

  "message": "Hello, World!",
  "shared_secret": "This is a secret passphrase",
  "customer_id": "customer123"

2. Decrypt a Chat Message

POST /decrypt/<api_key>

Without Customer ID:

  "encrypted_message": "[abcde]-[fghij]-[klmnopqrst]",
  "shared_secret": "This is a secret passphrase"

With Customer ID:

  "encrypted_message": "[abcde]-[fghij]-[klmnopqrst]",
  "shared_secret": "This is a secret passphrase",
  "customer_id": "customer123"

3. Encrypt a File

POST /encrypt-file/<api_key>

Without Customer ID:

With Customer ID:

4. Decrypt a File

POST /decrypt-file/<api_key>

Without Customer ID:

With Customer ID:

5. Check API Key Balance

POST /check_api_key_balance


    "Content-Type": "application/json"

Request Body:

    "api_key": "your-api-key-here"


    "status": "success",
    "tokens_remaining": 100,
    "is_paying_customer": true


Rate Limit:

1 request per 10 minutes